Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles (ASBL)
BE 0413.639.375
Rue de la Colline(PAC) 45
Principal activity
Publications in the Belgian Official Journal for Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles
Frequently asked questions
What is the VAT number of Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles?
The VAT number of Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles is BE0413639375.
When was Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles founded?
Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles was founded on 07-06-1973.
What is the address of Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles?
The current registered office of Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles is located at Rue de la Colline(PAC) 45, 6230 Pont-à-Celles.
When was the last time Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles filed their annual financial statements?
Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles has not (yet) filed any financial statements.
How many employees does Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles have?
Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles has not (yet) filed any financial statements or no staff information is available.
What is the annual turnover of Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles?
Art et Culture-Pont-à-Celles has not (yet) filed any financial statements, so no data is available.