Rock 4 Gen (ASBL)
BE 0475.793.512
Schaffensesteenweg 63
Principal activity
Frequently asked questions
What is the VAT number of Rock 4 Gen?
The VAT number of Rock 4 Gen is BE0475793512.
When was Rock 4 Gen founded?
Rock 4 Gen was founded on 18-10-2001.
What is the address of Rock 4 Gen?
The current registered office of Rock 4 Gen is located at Schaffensesteenweg 63, 3583 Beringen.
When was the last time Rock 4 Gen filed their annual financial statements?
Rock 4 Gen has not (yet) filed any financial statements.
How many employees does Rock 4 Gen have?
Rock 4 Gen has not (yet) filed any financial statements or no staff information is available.
What is the annual turnover of Rock 4 Gen?
Rock 4 Gen has not (yet) filed any financial statements, so no data is available.