Fonthe (SRL)


BE 1017.588.594

Battelsesteenweg 205/A
2800 Mechelen
Principal activity

Frequently asked questions

What is the VAT number of Fonthe?
The VAT number of Fonthe is BE1017588594.
When was Fonthe founded?
Fonthe was founded on 18-12-2024.
What is the address of Fonthe?
The current registered office of Fonthe is located at Battelsesteenweg 205/A, 2800 Mechelen.
When was the last time Fonthe filed their annual financial statements?
Fonthe has not (yet) filed any financial statements.
How many employees does Fonthe have?
Fonthe has not (yet) filed any financial statements or no staff information is available.
What is the annual turnover of Fonthe?
Fonthe has not (yet) filed any financial statements, so no data is available.

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