Company information
Enterprise number
VAT liability
Last balance sheet year
Company size
Big 165,8 FTE
Commercial name
Full name
International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium
Principal activity
Private security activities
Health barometer
Credit limit
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Frequently asked questions
What is the VAT number of International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium?
The VAT number of International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium is BE0434170614.
When was International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium founded?
International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium was founded on 26-04-1988.
What is the address of International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium?
The current registered office of International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium is located at Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal 53, 1930 Zaventem.
When was the last time International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium filed their annual financial statements?
The most recent financial statements of International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium were filed on 30-09-2023. You can view them here.
How many employees does International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium have?
There are 165,8 FTEs working at International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium according to the staff figures in the most recent financial statements.
What is the annual turnover of International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium?
At the time of its most recent financial statements, International Consultants On Targeted Security-Belgium recorded a total turnover of €8,658,517.00.