BE 0456.343.923

Company information
Enterprise number
VAT liability
Last balance sheet year
Company size
Big 835,2 FTE
Full name
Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology
Principal activity
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Health barometer
Barometer background
Credit limit

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Financial data from VIB

€ 6.096.868216%€ -5.246.152-191%€ 5.778.632-14%€ 6.708.958
€ 42.443.21215%€ 36.927.925-16%€ 43.759.38228%€ 34.313.281
€ 159.549.5473%€ 154.186.842-2%€ 156.799.5925%€ 149.622.160
Gross margin
€ 98.591.7538%€ 90.913.84811%€ 82.156.2676%€ 77.502.733

Publications in the Belgian Official Journal from VIB

Frequently asked questions

What is the VAT number of Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology?
The VAT number of Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology is BE0456343923.
When was Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology founded?
Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology was founded on 06-07-1995.
What is the address of Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology?
The current registered office of Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology is located at Suzanne Tassierstraat 1, 9052 Gent.
When was the last time Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology filed their annual financial statements?
The most recent financial statements of Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology were filed on 03-05-2024. You can view them here.
How many employees does Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology have?
There are 835,2 FTEs working at Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology according to the staff figures in the most recent financial statements.
What is the annual turnover of Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology?
At the time of its most recent financial statements, Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology recorded a total turnover of €42,443,212.00.