Information about Vw Consultancy
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NACE Description
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Vw Consultancy (SRL)

Company information
Enterprise number
VAT liability
Last balance sheet year
Company size
Micro 0 FTE
Principal activity
Business and other management consultancy activities
Health barometer
Credit limit

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Financial data from Vw Consultancy


Publications in the Belgian Official Journal from Vw Consultancy

Date Publication
07-09-2023 Articles of Association (Translation, Coordination, Other Modifications, …) - Modification Legal Form - Resignations - Appointments (NL)
22-07-2020 Registered Office - Modification Legal Form (NL)
12-09-2018 Rubric Constitution (New Juridical Person, Opening Branch, etc...) (NL)

Frequently asked questions

What is the VAT number of Vw Consultancy?
The VAT number of Vw Consultancy is BE0702946726.
When was Vw Consultancy founded?
Vw Consultancy was founded on 10-09-2018.
What is the address of Vw Consultancy?
The current registered office of Vw Consultancy is located at Snepkenshof 16, 2460 Kasterlee.
When was the last time Vw Consultancy filed their annual financial statements?
The most recent financial statements of Vw Consultancy were filed on 18-06-2024. You can view them here.
How many employees does Vw Consultancy have?
There are currently no employees working at Vw Consultancy or no workforce information is available.
What is the annual turnover of Vw Consultancy?
At the time of its most recent financial statements, Vw Consultancy did not publish any turnover figures. Vw Consultancy reported a gross margin of €53,169.85.