Information about Bureau de consultance MSB²
My details
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NACE Description
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Bureau de consultance MSB² (SRL)

Company information
Enterprise number
VAT liability
Last balance sheet year
Company size
Micro 0 FTE
Principal activity
Other information technology and computer service activities
Health barometer
Credit limit

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Financial data from Bureau de consultance MSB²


Publications in the Belgian Official Journal from Bureau de consultance MSB²

Date Publication
07-03-2022 Rubric Constitution (New Juridical Person, Opening Branch, etc...) (FR)

Frequently asked questions

What is the VAT number of Bureau de consultance MSB²?
The VAT number of Bureau de consultance MSB² is BE0782859482.
When was Bureau de consultance MSB² founded?
Bureau de consultance MSB² was founded on 03-03-2022.
What is the address of Bureau de consultance MSB²?
The current registered office of Bureau de consultance MSB² is located at Rue du Charbonnage(AUV) 32, 5060 Sambreville.
When was the last time Bureau de consultance MSB² filed their annual financial statements?
The most recent financial statements of Bureau de consultance MSB² were filed on 04-09-2024. You can view them here.
How many employees does Bureau de consultance MSB² have?
There are currently no employees working at Bureau de consultance MSB² or no workforce information is available.
What is the annual turnover of Bureau de consultance MSB²?
At the time of its most recent financial statements, Bureau de consultance MSB² did not publish any turnover figures. Bureau de consultance MSB² reported a gross margin of -€6,358.56.